Utilization Patterns of an After-Hours Physician Triage and Advice Telephone Service in an Academic Adult Primary Care Practice
Journal of General Internal Medicine
Antony Nguyen, Amy Pugh, Isabella Hoang, Asha Choudhury, Jonathan Lee, Jane Jih
Physicians' Perspectives on Using Direct Observation to Assess Non-English Language Proficiency for Clinical Practice: A Qualitative Study
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety
Maria Esteli Garcia, Lisa C Diamond, Mia Williams, Sunita Mutha, Jane Jih, Sarita Pathak, Leah S Karliner
Patient-Generated Photos: A Means of Gaining Context about Patient Medication Practices
Journal of General Internal Medicine
Jane Jih, Yea Eun Lee, Tiffany Chinn, Michael A Steinman
An App-Based Physical Activity Intervention in Community-Dwelling Chinese-, Tagalog-, and Vietnamese-Speaking Americans: Single-Arm Intervention Study
JMIR Formative Research
Antony Nguyen, Filmer Yu, Linda G Park, Yoshimi Fukuoka, Ching Wong, Ginny Gildengorin, Tung T Nguyen, Janice Y Tsoh, Jane Jih
Patient Perspectives of Health-Related Social Needs Screening in an Urban Academic Adult Primary Care Practice
Patient Experience Journal
Antony Nguyen, Joselvin Galeas, Jane Jih
Using Photographs to Understand the Context of Health: A Novel Two-Step Systematic Process for Coding Visual Data
Qualitative Health Research
Jane Jih, Antony Nguyen, Jasmin Woo, Alison Ly, Janet K Shim
Burden of Unmet Health-Related Social Needs in an Academic Adult Primary Care Practice in San Francisco, California
BMC Primary Care
Jane Jih, Antony Nguyen, Irena Cenzer, Jennifer Morrish
Institutionalizing Community-Engaged Translational Science in an Academic Institution: A Community Stakeholder-Driven Process
Progress in Community Health Partnerships
Michael R Duke, Angela Sun, Paula Fleisher, Angela Gallegos-Castillo, Monique LeSarre, Joyce Cheng, Kara Young, Mark J Pletcher, Tung T Nguyen, Jane Jih
A Photo-Based Communication Intervention to Promote Diet-Related Discussions among Older Adults with Multi-Morbidity
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Jane Jih, Antony Nguyen, Jasmin Woo, Wen-Ching Tran, Nikko Gonzales, Jennifer Fung, Jackeline Callejas, Tung T Nguyen, Christine S Ritchie
Educational Interventions to Promote Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity Among Older Chinese Americans: A Cluster-Randomized Trial
American Journal of Public Health
Jane Jih, Gem Le, Kent Woo, Janice Y Tsoh, Susan Stewart, Ginny Gildengorin, Adam Burke, Ching Wong, Elaine Chen, Lei-Chun Fung, Filmer Yu, Rena Pasick, Stephen J McPhee, Tung T Nguyen
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Ordering Patterns for Routine HIV Screening Among Resident Physicians at an Urban Medical Center
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
Sara Bares, Jennifer Steinbeck, Lauren Bence, Abbe Kordik, Mary Ellen Acree, Jane Jih, Jeanne Farnan, Sydeaka Watson, Kenneth Rasinski, John Schneider, David Pitrak