

Human-Centered Design to Incorporate Clinical Team and Leader Perspectives to Refine a Photo-Based Patient-Clinician Communication Intervention for Older Adults in Primary Care

2024 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society (Poster Presentation)

Chinn T, Hoang I, Pan H, Chu E, Jih J

Patient and Clinician Perspectives in a Human-Centered Design Approach to Refine Photo+Care, a Patient-Clinician Technology-Based Communication Intervention for Multiethnic Older Adults with Multimorbidity

2024 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society (Presidential Poster Presentation)

Hoang I, Chinn T, Pan H, Chu E, Jih J

Engaging Patient and Clinician Stakeholders through Human-Centered Design Sessions to Refine Photo+Care, a Patient-Clinician Photo-Based Communication Intervention for Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions

Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting 2024 (Poster Presentation)

Chinn T, Hoang I, Pan H, Chu E, Jih J

Patient and Clinician Perspectives in a Human-Centered Design Approach to Refine Photo+Care, a Patient-Clinician Technology-Based Communication Intervention for Multiethnic Older Adults with Multimorbidity

California Academic Geriatrics Institutions Conference (Poster Presentation)

Hoang I, Chinn T, Pan H, Chu E, Jih J

Patient and Clinician Perspectives in a Human-Centered Design Approach to Refine Photo+Care, a Patient-Clinician Technology-Based Communication Intervention for Multiethnic Older Adults with Multimorbidity

UCSF Health Equity and Anti-Racism Research Symposium (Poster Presentation)

Hoang I, Chinn T, Pan H, Chu E, Jih J

Human-Centered Design to Incorporate Clinical Team and Leader Perspectives to Refine a Photo-Based Patient-Clinician Communication Intervention for Older Adults in Primary Care

UCSF Health Equity and Anti-Racism Research Symposium (Poster Presentation)

Chinn T, Hoang I, Pan H, Chu E, Jih J


Association of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Multimorbidity within Young Adults, Middle-Aged Adults, and Older Adults: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2019-2020

UCSF Health Equity and Anti-Racism Research Symposium (Poster Presentation)

Nguyen A, Jih J

Development of a Bilingual Smartphone Application and Electronic Health Record Data Dashboard to Collect and Display Patient-Reported Outcomes for Chronic Disease Management in Primary Care

UCSF Health Equity and Anti-Racism Research Symposium (Poster Presentation)

Louie A, Sim I, Carini S, Satterfield J, Jih J

Development of a Bilingual Smartphone Application and Electronic Health Record Data Dashboard to Collect and Display Patient-Reported Outcomes for Chronic Disease Management in Primary Care

Society of General Internal Medicine 2023 Annual Meeting (Poster Presentation)

Jih J, Satterfield J, Louie A, Carini S, Zeng B, Nguyen TT, Feldman MD, Sim I

Identifying and Addressing Unmet Transportation Needs to Reduce No Shows to Primary Care Appointments

Society of General Internal Medicine 2023 Annual Meeting (Poster Presentation)

Abrahams S, Patridge A, Lee JS, Jih J

Virtual-Based Home Visits and Photos to Explore Medication Practices of Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions

American Geriatrics Society 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting (Poster Presentation)

Lee YE, Ly A, Chinn T, Steinman M, Jih J

The Influence of Social Support on Chronic Disease Management among Older Adults with Multimorbidity

American Geriatrics Society 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting (Poster Presentation)

Tran E, Lee YE, Ly A, Nguyen A, Jih J